The Nitty Grit!
Authentic Living is what we do.
The Nitty Grit Story
In 2020, as you all know, our world was changed with the pandemic. Everything that we knew to be familiar became very different. My husband and kids were with me 24/7. Though I was excited about this new stage of my life, I really did not know how it was going to work. It wasn't a couple months in before I saw that we were actually uncomfortable and in some ways getting on each other's nerves. We were up close and personal, and a lot was revealed about how we all felt about each other and our situation. There was sadness, arguments, tears, and the loss of our normal activities--and spending time with others was all very hard. Our household was going through some real intense growing pains.
Well, being the creative person that I am, I usually look for opportunities to be creative. One day, I woke up with an idea to do something unorthodox. I felt the need to talk out some of my relational challenges with my teen daughter live online where others would come alongside us on the journey. To this day, I don't know why I did such a thing. The way I grew up, you don't tell folks yo' business! That's between you and your peeps. Well, to my surprise, the teenager said YES! That was one of our best decisions. It was real and hence the title, we got down to the Nitty Grit. It was organic, therapeutic, and healing in many ways. We discovered that many people could relate to these kinds of relationship challenges. The comments started coming in and a community was birthed.
At the end of the year, my daughter decided that she no longer wanted to be on the platform. I was saddened but I knew she had done her part, and it was time for her to take her own next steps in life. She had paved the way for a new beginning for me. She taught me how to celebrate life even when there are challenges. What started out as a family conversation has now turned into a place to inspire others. That summer, I decided to go even further by launching the Nitty Grit into a creative, coaching, and consulting business that empowers, encourages, and champions others on. So when you are in need of some inspiration and good old-fashioned love, look no further because the The Nitty Grit is your safe Authentic "love hub."